

彫刻家 荒川亀斎と小泉八雲


The Japanese Aesthetic Hearn Loved
Sculptor Arakawa Kisai & Lafcadio Hearn

1階 展示室3





  • 『荒川亀斎傳』
  • 『天才彫刻家 荒川亀斎翁伝』松江先人記念館
  • 『西田千太郎日記』島根郷土資料刊行会
  • 『教育者ラフカディオ・ハーンの世界』ワン・ライン
  • 『写真でたどるハーンの1年2ヵ月』株式会社江友
  • 山陰新聞
  • 『小泉八雲事典』恒文社


Wednesday, 27 June 2018–Sunday, 9 June 2019
Exhibition Room 3

The sculptor known as Arakawa Kisai (the First) was born the son of carpenter Arakawa Shigezo on the 25th of April 1827, in the Saikamachi-Yokobama area of Matsue. Kisai’s given name was Akio, but he went by the name Junosuke. From a young age, the sculpting world praised Kisai as a child prodigy. Everyone in town knew the name of this famous sculptor.

In August of 1890, Lafcadio Hearn would be transferred to Matsue, and discover a certain stone statue while out for a walk. Hearn became mesmerized by the statue, a friendly Buddhist Jizo which overflowed with benevolence and belonged to the Ryusho-ji Temple in Teramachi. Hearn immediately asked after the sculptor, and this was how he came to know the name Arakawa Kisai. The very next day, Hearn visited Kisai’s workshop, where he became enamored with the skill and demeanor of the master sculptor. The two men discussed the arts and are said to have hit it off very well (San-in Shimbun Newspaper). Hearn would go on to commission pieces from Kisai in an effort to introduce the sculptor to the world, as a producer might promote an artist. The bond these two men shared can be glimpsed today in Hearn’s writings; the diaries of Nishida Sentaro, who was Deputy Head Teacher of Shimane Prefectural Common Middle School and Hearn’s good friend; letters to Nishida; contemporary newspaper articles (San-in Shimbun); and other sources.

One piece in particular, Kirakubo Ningyo (a jolly old boy), is described in detail in Hearn’s ‘From the Diary of an English Teacher’ (Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan). Kisai showed this piece to Hearn, who was rather pleased. The sculptor would later create a doll based on the happy-go-lucky Kirakubo, and present Hearn with the creation (Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum collections). Hearn later advised Kisai and encouraged the artisan to exhibit his works at the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893. It was there that Kisai would receive honors for his Statue of Inata-Hime (Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine collections), cementing his place in sculpting history.

This exhibition seeks to introduce the works and story of Arakawa Kisai, the local artisan who Hearn discovered, while tracing Kisai’s appearances in the Nishida diaries and other writings. And, this exhibition explores Hearn’s eye for beauty and aesthetic sense, introducing an altogether new side of Lafcadio Hearn. Featured are the works of Arakawa Kisai from the collections of the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum, as well as the recently-discovered Kirakubo Ningyo, the original doll which Kisai showed Hearn. This rare piece, on loan from the Torokko Puppetry Library, will be shown to the public for the first time. Other works, found mainly throughout the Izumo region, will also be exhibited; such as the Hippocrates Statue Plaque (The Shiromi Estate Co., Ltd. collections), and Buddha Statue Ordered by Hearn, uncompleted (The Ishitani Family collection), which was created to fulfill an order from Hearn. Photographs will be displayed as well. This exhibition seeks to uncover the great genius that was Arakawa Kisai, by piecing together Hearn’s writings, letters to Nishida Sentaro, articles from contemporary newspapers, and other artifacts.

organizer: Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
co-organizers: Matsue City / The San-in Chuo Shimpo Newspaper Co., Ltd.
cooperation: The Arakawa Family / The Ishitani Family / Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine / Shimane University Library / The Shimane Prefectural Library / The Shiromi Estate Co., Ltd. / The Nagaoka Family / Torokko Puppetry Library / Matsue Senjin Museum / Yomei Bunko
sponsor: The Hearn Society

チラシ PDF(1.6MB)

The Exhibition Catalog

¥1,300 (excluding tax)








Arakawa Kisai (1827-1906)

Arakawa Kisai (registered name Junosuke) was born the son of carpenter Shigezo in 1827, in the Saikamachi-Yokobama area of Matsue. He was naturally gifted, drawing cicadas and dragonflies at age three; painting Tenjin dolls at age seven; and adeptly carving birds, animals, and people at age nine. And later, he studied: carving with Fukushima Uhachi, who followed genius craftsman Kobayashi Jodei; classical Japanese literature and calligraphy with Takami Tansai; drawing with Iijima Ungaku and Kagaku, from the Kano school of painting; and Buddhist statues with sculptor Kato Saori. With intensive training, and natural-born talent, Kisai emerged as a sculptor. He carved the Shorodo no Ryu in Jokyo-ji Temple when only fifteen years old.

 And even later, Kisai studied metalwork, met with haiku poet Yamanouchi Kyokusen, classical Sinologist Uchimura Roko, and others, acquiring knowledge on various subjects, and continued to create a wide variety of works in architecture, landscaping, and Japanese and Western painting. Kisai’s desire to improve never faded. Even after the age of fifty, he visited Tokyo, Nara, and Kyoto numerous times and researched antique art.

 Starting with the first National Industrial Exhibition, which began in 1877, Kisai entered various exhibitions both home and abroad, earning various awards. The Ministry of the Imperial Household of Japan even purchased his works. With skill and detail, Kisai left behind numerous artistic wooden carvings featuring decorative metal inlay and other art techniques. Kisai was a natural-born artist and a true craftsman. A multi-genre artist, he sought out work which suited him, all while effortlessly engaging in Buddhist temple bell design, and even theatrical scenery, in addition to his sculpting and drawing.

 Kisai meets Lafcadio Hearn in 1890, and they get along very well while discussing the arts. At the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893, Kisai exhibits his Statue of Inata-Hime (Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine collections), which will later become his most signature work. There he earns top honors, carving his name in sculpting history. And, in 1900, Kisai earns a bronze medal at the world exposition in Paris.

 And then, in 1906 at age eighty, two years after Hearn’s passing, the art-filled life of Arakawa Kisai comes to an end. Kisai rests at Toko-ji Temple.

Kirakubo Ningyo (A Jolly Old Boy), is described in detail in Hearn’s ‘From the Diary of an English Teacher’ (part of Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan). Kisai showed this piece to Hearn. (Torokko Puppetry Library Collections)
Kisai created a doll based on the Kirakubo Ningyo, and present Hearn with the creation. (Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum Collections)

Hippocrates Statue Plaque (Hipokuratesu Zo Hengaku) (The Shiromi Estate Co., Ltd. Collections)
Hearn discovered a friendly Buddhist Jizo while out for a walk, which overflowed with benevolence and belonged to the Ryusho-ji Temple in Teramachi. Kisai and Hearn met each other through this Jizo. (Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum Collections)

企画展図録『八雲が愛した日本の美:彫刻家 荒川亀斎と小泉八雲』
