443 Days in The Chief City of the Province of the Gods
1階 展示室3
Sunday June 27, 2021–Sunday June 12, 2022
Exhibition Room 3
Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Matsue’s Designation as an International City of Culture and Tourism
organizer: Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
co-organizers: Matsue City / The San-in Chuo Shimpo Newspaper Co., Ltd.
cooperation: Shimane Prefectural Library / Shimane University Library / Matsue City Central Library / Matsue History Museum
support: The Hearn Society / Asahi Shimbun Matsue office / Kyodo News Matsue office / Sankei Shimbun / Jiji Press Matsue office / Shimane Nichi-nichi Shimbun / Chugoku Shimbun / Nihon Keizai Shimbun Matsue office / Mainichi Shimbun Matsue office / Yomiuri Shimbun Matsue office / Broadcasting System of San-in Inc. / NHK Matsue / TSK Sanin Chuo TV / Nihonkai Telecasting Co., Ltd. / San-in Cable Vision / FM Izumo / FM San-in
Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo) arrived in Matsue over 130 years ago. His works are still read around the world today, and in the city of Matsue, glimpses of his time here remain.
Hearn came to Japan at the age of 39 and arrived in Matsue on 30th August 1890. He called Matsue “The Chief City of the Province of the Gods”. His first work after his arrival in Japan was Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan (1894). It overflows with rich impressions and reads like a diary which reflects the scenery and culture of Matsue, and the lives of its people. In “The Chief City of the Province of the Gods”, the changing views of Lake Shinji are depicted like visual images. The famous opening lines describe the sounds of a Matsue morning. His description of a day in the life of the city, from morning to evening, is dramatically expressed like a film. The work is interwoven with his interactions with his students of English, and the local folk beliefs, popular beliefs and ghost stories which he observed with the eyes of a folklorist.
Apart from a few passages, the work primarily introduces Matsue, Izumo and the surrounding areas. Hearn lived in Matsue for only 443 days, but he used his time and his highly developed five senses to observe, in depth and with an acute intuition, the innermost Japanese spirit. He studied the Japanese as they were, and not from a position of Western superiority. A modern reader of Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan experiences nostalgia for the forgotten values of old Japan, but can also empathise with the issues of modern society.
Even after Hearn left the Chief City of the Province of the Gods, this work left an iconic legacy for the city. In 1934, thanks to the efforts of volunteers, the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum was established. In 1940, the Negishi residence, where Hearn and his wife Setsu lived, (now identified as Lafcadio Hearn’s Former Residence), was nationally recognised as a Historical Site. In 1951, Matsue joined Kyoto and Nara in being designated as an International City of Culture and Tourism because it had become “globally famous through the works of Lafcadio Hearn”. The year 2021 marks the 70th anniversary of this designation.
This exhibition explores the 443 days Hearn spent in Matsue. The six sections use Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan, the diary of Hearn’s friend Nishida Sentaro, letters to Hearn’s friends and acquaintances, newspapers of the time, treasured documents of the Tomita family*, interviews about Hearn’s private life in Matsue, and eulogies from his students, to examine his insight into the Japan of his time.
We also want to understand and share the exhibition’s findings from a modern perspective. So, during the term of the exhibition, we plan to communicate Hearn’s spirit, which resonates with his open mind, through online postings such as SNS, to people in Japan and overseas. This is an era, which truly needs Hearn. The exhibition is not merely focused on nostalgic literature. It also shows the appeal of the San’in region and its potential, and as a cultural resource, we hope it helps to lead to tourism and cultural communication in the future.
* Tomita was the first inn Hearn stayed at when he came to Matsue
Exhibition Themes
- chapter 1 | 443 days in thchief city of the province of the gods
- chapter 2 | Reportage and travelogue
- chapter 3 | Scenery drawn by a word painter
- chapter 4 | The eyes and heart of a folklorist
- chapter 5 | Concept of a soundscape
- chapter 6 | Hearn’s life—teaching, marriage, interests, walking
- | Hearn postings on social media
#神々の国の首都443 #matsue443
Remaining Glimpses of Old Japan
- Lafcadio Hearn, Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan (Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1894)
- 平井呈一訳『日本瞥見記』上・下(恒文社、1975)
- 平川祐弘編『明治日本の面影』(講談社学術文庫、1990)
- 平川祐弘編『神々の国の首都』(講談社学術文庫、1990)
- 池田雅之訳『新編 日本の面影』(角川ソフィア文庫、2000)
- 池田雅之訳『新編 日本の面影 II』(角川ソフィア文庫、2015)
- 『ラフカディオ・ハーン著作集』第14・15巻(恒文社、1983)
- 『西田千太郎日記』(島根郷土資料刊行会、1976)
- 根岸磐井『復刻版 出雲における小泉八雲』(今井出版、2016)
- 桑原羊次郎『松江に於ける八雲の私生活』(島根叢書、1950)
- 飯野公央・伊藤孝一・石倉舞美『写真でたどるハーンの1年2ヶ月』(江友、2013)
- 石村春荘『松江むかし話』(高浜印刷所、1964)
- 梶谷泰之『へるん先生生活記』(恒文社、1998)
- 常松正雄訳『ラフカディオ・ハーン 西田千太郎 往復書簡』(八雲会、2020)
- 「富田旅館ニ於ケル小泉八雲先生」(『古都松江』Vol.37、松江市文化協会、2019)
- 小泉凡『民俗学者・小泉八雲』(恒文社、1995)
- 牧野陽子『ラフカディオ・ハーンと日本の近代』(新曜社、2020)
- 池田雅之『小泉八雲 日本の面影』(NHK出版、2016)
- 坂東浩司『詳述年表 ラフカディオ・ハーン伝』(英潮社、1998)
- 『小泉八雲事典』(恒文社、2000)
- 工藤泰子「松江の文化資源としての小泉八雲」(『インバウンドと地域創生』、KAIBUNDO、2017)
- 小泉節子・小泉一雄『小泉八雲 思い出の記・父「八雲」を憶う』(恒文社、1976)
- 松浦雄二「『知られぬ日本の面影における「まぼろし系」の言葉」(『島根県立大学短期大学部松江キャンパス研究紀要』Vol.52、2014)