


B5判(182 × 257mm)/82ページ/日本語・英語


  • ごあいさつ 小泉凡 
  • 1. イントロダクション:超自然的世界との交渉
  • 2. 創作への道:怪談蒐集と再話作品の創造
  • 3. 怪談創作と夢:夢から生まれる超自然文学
  • 4. 八雲の妖怪研究:妖怪へのまなざし――化けものの歌
  • 5. 妖怪たちの過去と未来――ゴーストと出会う旅
  • 6. 語り部 小泉セツ:セツが支えた怪談創作 
  • 小泉八雲再話作品
  • [エッセー]八雲と妖怪 小泉凡 

Lafcadio Hearn: Visions of the Supernatural

* Sold out
¥1,500 (excluding tax)
182 × 257mm / 82pp. / Japansese & English
Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum / 2020

The exhibition catalog of "Lafcadio Hearn: Visions of the Supernatural".

  • Greeting by Bon Koizumi
  • 1. Introduction: Discussion with the Supernatural World
  • 2. The Path to Creation: Ghost Story Collection and Retold Works
  • 3. Ghost Story Creation and Dreams: Supernatural Literature Created from Dreams
  • 4. Hearn’s Research into Supernatural Beings: Visions of Supernatural Beings—“Goblin Poetry”
  • 5. The Past and Future of Supernatural beings—A Journey of Ghostly Encounters
  • 6. Setsu the storyteller: Ghost Story Creation Supported by Setsu
  • Lafcadio Hearn's Retold Stories 
  • Yakumo and Yokai: Essays by Bon Koizumi