虫の詩 かそけきものの声音を愛す
The Poetry of Insects—Loving the Voices of Fleeting Lives
1階 展示室3
Sunday June 26, 2022–Sunday June 11, 2023
Exhibition Room 3
Organizer: Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
Co-organizers: Matsue City / The San-in Chuo Shimpo Newspaper Co., Ltd.
Cooperation: Keio University Library / University of Toyama Central Library / Matsue City Central Library / Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo
Support: The Hearn Society / Asahi Shimbun Matsue office / Kyodo News Matsue office / Sankei Shimbun / Jiji Press Matsue office / Shimane Nichi-nichi Shimbun / Chugoku Shimbun / Nihon Keizai Shimbun Matsue office / Mainichi Shimbun Matsue office / Yomiuri Shimbun Matsue office / Broadcasting System of San-in Inc. / NHK Matsue / TSK Sanin Chuo TV / Nihonkai Telecasting Co., Ltd. / San-in Cable Vision / FM Izumo / FM San-in

Lafcadio Hearn, the writer, loved insects, and was an avid reader of Fabre’s books about insects. He kept a pine cricket, bell cricket and grass skylark in beautiful bamboo insect cages and listened to their song. He also collected many old Japanese poems. He wrote of the Japanese feelings and views on nature, and their attachment to insects which were evinced in these poems. In his essays, he touched upon the theory of evolution, and Buddhist and philosophical thought, and introduced the Japanese view of insects to readers in the West.
If we look at the themes in Hearn’s works, we can see many insects and small creatures, such as dragonflies, cicadas, flies, fireflies, frogs, silkworms, grass skylarks, butterflies, mosquitoes, and ants. However, his works were not entomological studies. He wrote essays on cultural observations, such the types of insects and their cries, waka and haiku poetry, the custom of listening to insects and the sale of insects. Hearn showed an interest in the folk beliefs and culture of the common people regarding insects. He maintained an empathetic stance in sharing the lives of the ordinary people.
The Japanese attitude towards insects, expressed in the saying “even a worm will turn”, the way in which they consider the cries of insects to be “beautiful music” and their rich sensibility have similarities with that of the ancient Greeks in terms of having a fondness for insects.
Emphasising works which feature insects and small creatures, this special exhibition displays Hearn’s beloved insect cages, original manuscripts and illustrations from his works. We will shine a light on the Japanese attitude towards nature, which Hearn found to be the soundest and happiest, the Japanese acceptance of nature “as-is”, and the beauty they find in ephemeral creatures such as insects and frogs. We hope this brings a ray of light to us who are living in the difficult contemporary era.
- 〈かそけきもの〉へのまなざし
- 小泉八雲―虫を愛した作家
- 虫になりたいという願い
- 昆虫学者的な眼と心
- 虫をめぐる民俗信仰と民衆文化
- 「草ひばり」―究極の八雲文学
- 「安芸之介の夢」―虫と夢と奇談と
Exhibition themes
- Turning one’s gaze towards fleeting lives
- Lafcadio Hearn—A writer who loved insects
- Desire to be reborn as an insect
- Eyes and heart like an entomologist
- Folk belief regarding insects and the culture of the masses
- “Kusa-hibari”—The ultimate Hearn literature
- “The Dream of Akinosuké”—Insects, dreams and odd tales

Insect cages which Hearn loved (Boat shape)
Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum

Insect cages which Hearn loved (Sun shape)
Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum

Hearn in his later years
Photo courtesy of the Koizumi family

Books from Hearn’s library related to insects
Collection of the University of Toyama Library

Actors as Vendors in Summer: Insects Vendor by the first Utagawa Kunisada
Image courtesy of the National Museum of Japanese History

小泉一雄装幀 「蝉」『影』所収
Illustrations of Semi
Images courtesy of Keio University Libraries

Shadowings Proof-sheets
Image courtesy of Keio University Libraries

Shadowings First edition (1900)
Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum

Exotics and Retrospectives (1898)
Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum

Illustration of “Kusa-hibari”
from “Insect-Musician” Exotics and Retrospectives (1898)
- 平井呈一訳『日本瞥見記』上・下(恒文社)
- 平井呈一訳『仏の畑の落穂他』(恒文社)
- 平井呈一訳『日本雑記他』(恒文社)
- 平井呈一訳『怪談・骨董他』(恒文社)
- 小泉節子・小泉一雄『小泉八雲 思い出の記・父「八雲」を憶う』(恒文社)
- 『ラフカディオ・ハーン著作集』第7巻(恒文社)
- 『ラフカディオ・ハーン著作集』第10巻(恒文社)
- 長澤純夫編訳『小泉八雲 蝶の幻想』(築地書館)
- 池田雅之訳『虫の音楽家』(ちくま文庫)
- 加納康嗣『鳴く虫文化誌――虫聴き名所と虫売り』(HSK)
- 『小泉八雲事典』(恒文社)
- 平川祐弘『小泉八雲――西洋脱出への夢』(新潮社)
- 牧野陽子『ラフカディオ・ハーン』(中公新書)
- 森亮『小泉八雲の文学』(恒文社)
- 西川盛雄『ラフカディオ・ハーンの魅力』(新宿書房)
- 小泉八雲記念館編『小泉八雲の怪談づくし』(八雲会)
- 図録『小泉八雲、開かれた精神の航跡。』(小泉八雲記念館)
- 図録『小泉八雲、妖怪へのまなざし』(小泉八雲記念館)
- 図録『小泉八雲 放浪するゴースト』(新宿歴史博物館)
- 『小泉八雲草稿・未刊行書簡拾遺集』第一巻(雄松堂出版)