『虫の詩 かそけきものの声音を愛す』
B5判(182 × 257mm)/68ページ/日本語・英語
企画展「虫の詩 かそけきものの声音を愛す」の図録です。
- 小泉八雲――虫を愛した作家
- 昆虫学者的な眼と心
- 虫をめぐる民俗信仰と民衆文化
- 「草ひばり」――究極の八雲文学
- 「安芸之介の夢」――虫と夢と奇談と
- 虫や小動物に関する作品一覧
- 小泉八雲と昆虫
The Poetry of Insects—Loving the Voices of Fleeting Lives
* Sold out
¥1,650 (including tax)
182 × 257mm / 68pp. / Japansese & English
Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum / 2022
The exhibition catalog of "The Poetry of Insects—Loving the Voices of Fleeting Livess".
- Lafcadio Hearn: A writer who loved insects
- Eyes and heart like an entomologist
- Folk belief regarding insects and the culture of the masses
- “Kusa-hibari”: Ultimate Hearn literature
- “The Dream of Akinosuké”: Insects, dreams and odd tales
- List of works related to insects
- Lafcadio Hearn & Insects