



Koizumi Kiyoshi—The Life and Works of the Artist



Friday October 6, 2023–Sunday June 9, 2024
Exhibition Room 3

Organizer: Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
Co-organizers: The Hearn Society / Matsue City
Cooperation: Shimane Art Museum / Aizu Museum / Ikeda Art Museum / Aizu Yaichi Memorial Museum / Koizumi Tatsuya / The Koizumi Family
Support: Asahi Shimbun Matsue office / Mainichi Shimbun Matsue office / Yomiuri Shimbun Matsue office / Nihon Keizai Shimbun Matsue office / Sankei Shimbun / Kyodo News Matsue office / Jiji Press Matsue office / The San-in Chuo Shimpo Newspaper Co., Ltd. / Chugoku Shimbun / Shimane Nichi-nichi Newspaper / NHK Matsue / TSK Sanin Chuo TV / Broadcasting System of San-in Inc. / Nihonkai Telecasting Co., Ltd. / San-in Cable Vision / FM San-in / FM Izumo

チラシ flyer | PDF(1.7MB)






The artist Koizumi Kiyoshi (December 20th, 1899–February 21st, 1962) was the third son of Lafcadio Hearn. He was four years old when his father passed away unexpectedly. During Kiyoshi’s time at Waseda Junior High School, Aizu Yaichi, a former student of Lafcadio Hearn, discovered Kiyoshi’s artistic talent, and he enrolled in the Western painting course at the Tokyo Fine Arts School. He experienced many setbacks, but he had inherited the artistic sense of both his great-uncle Richard and his father, and went on to live a unique life as a painter.

When Kiyoshi was 46 years old, he won the Yomiuri Award at the 1st Emerging Japanese Artists Exhibition and took his place in the art world. His characteristic painting style, which showed signs of Fauvism influence, was marked by his use of vibrant colours and the bold touch of squeezing paint from tubes onto the canvas. When he was 50 years old, he journeyed to Matsue, the place of memories of his father and mother, Setsu, for the first time. He went to the Shimane Peninsula and the Oki Islands, and produced many sketches. His beloved wife Shizu passed away when he was 61 years old, and two years later, in February 1962, as if to follow his wife, he took his own life. He left a note saying “Nothing will come of my intentions. Maybe my blood is too complicated.”

Throughout his life, Kiyoshi struggled with the conflict between his Western and Eastern identities. He chose to live a Japanese life, but his Western heritage sometimes predominated. He was aware of his father’s influence on himself as a creative person, but fought against it. Even so, he left two portraits of his father (Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum collection). After his death, hair of his deceased father was found in his atelier, and it is currently stored in a receptacle in the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum.

While his father Lafcadio valued the meeting and mixture of multiple races and cultures, Kiyoshi suffered because of his cultural duality. Nevertheless, there is without doubt, a commonality in the lives of father and son,—their burning desire to dedicate their lives to creativity.

In this exhibition, we will introduce the life of Kiyoshi, the painter and third son of Lafcadio Hearn. He was an artist troubled throughout his life due to the fusion of his cultures. We will also exhibit his paintings in the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum collection.

Koizumi Kiyoshi
Private collection



Koizumi Kiyoshi

Koizumi Kiyoshi was born in Ichigaya, Tokyo, in December 1899. He was the third son of Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo). His father died when he was four years old. During Kiyoshi’s time at Waseda Junior High School, Aizu Yaichi discovered his artistic talent, and he enrolled in the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. However, he suffered from a disease of the lungs, and left the school after three years. He married Hari Shizu, and for a while, made a living through his hobby of playing the violin. In 1929, with an inheritance from his mother Setsu, he built a house in Saginomiya and extended his atelier. He returned to painting. In 1946, on the recommendation of Satomi Katsuzo and others, he exhibited his works for the first time at the Yomiuri Shimbun Emerging Japanese Artists Exhibition. He won the Yomiuri Award, and took his place in the art world at the age of 46. He created his own unique style, which was somewhat influenced by Fauvism, making use of vibrant colours and thick brushstrokes. In 1950, he journeyed to Matsue, the place of memories of his mother and father, for the first time. His beloved wife died when he was 61 years old, and two months later, in February 1962, as if to follow his wife, he took his own life. He left a note saying, “Maybe my blood is too complicated.”

Koizumi Kiyoshi | Umi (Sea) | 1961 | oil painting, canvas | Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
小泉清 | 梅林|1947年|油彩|小泉八雲記念館
Koizumi Kiyoshi |  Bairin (Plum grove) | 1947 |  oil painting | Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
Koizumi Kiyoshi | Niemonjima (Niemon Island) | 1950 | watercolour | Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
小泉清|ヘルン像 左|1950年|墨|小泉八雲記念館
Koizumi Kiyoshi | Portrait of Hearn (facing left)  | 1950 | ink | Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
小泉清|ヘルン像 右|1950年|墨|小泉八雲記念館
Koizumi Kiyoshi | Portrait of Hearn (facing right)  | 1950 | ink | Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
Koizumi Kiyoshi | Self-portrait | date unknown  | coloured pencils, ink | Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum
Kiyoshi and his family | Private collection
Koizumi Kiyoshi death mask | Shimane Art Museum
Beloved art equipment  | Shimane Art Museum
Letters to his mother Setsu | Ikeda Art Museum


  • 小泉清「我がゴッホ」『アトリヱ』305号、1952年
  • 小泉清「朝井閑右衛門氏アトリエ訪問」『美術手帖』No.56、1952年
  • 『小泉清画集』求龍堂、1973年
  • 後藤昂「小泉清の死」『へるん』20号 八雲会、1983年
  • 『小泉清画集』恒文社、1989年
  • 小泉時著『ヘルンと私』恒文社、1991年
  • 図録『小泉清 父・八雲とともに』町立久万美術館、1992年
  • ワシオ・トシヒコ編著『画家・小泉八雲の肖像』恒文社、1995年
  • 小泉一雄「父「八雲」を憶う」『小泉八雲』恒文社、1995年
  • 椎名駿輔「會津八一と小泉清」『へるん』33号 八雲会、1996年
  • 図録『朝井閑右衛門と仲間たち展』平塚市美術館、1997年
  • 『小泉八雲事典』恒文社、2000年
  • 風呂鞏「へるんの常宿“いなばや”に残る小泉清の絵」『へるん』41号 八雲会、2004年
  • 図録『早稲田をめぐる画家たちの物語』早稲田大学會津八一記念博物館、2012年
  • 「国画会展覧会略史」『第97回国画会絵画部図録』国画会絵画部、2023年

The Exhibition Catalog




小泉清にささげる弦楽の調べ—旧居にてバッハを奏でる(10/15 小泉八雲旧居)
小泉八雲記念館寄席 柳家さん喬が語る八雲 Vol. 6(10/21)
