B5判(182 × 257mm)/98ページ/日本語・英語
- 大叔父・小泉清のこと 小泉 凡(小泉八雲 曽孫、小泉八雲記念館 館長)
- ごあいさつ 小泉 達矢(小泉清 孫)
- 小泉清の画業と人生 柳原 一徳(島根県立美術館 専門学芸員)
- 清の絵
- 油彩
- 水彩
- 自画像
- 清と松江
- 清とファーザー
- 清のアトリエ
- 清をめぐる人々
- 小泉清 年譜
- 作品一覧
- 小泉清から小泉セツ・小泉一雄宛書簡一覧
Koizumi Kiyoshi—The Life and Works of the Artist
¥1,760 (including tax)
182 × 257mm / 98pp. / Japansese & English
Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum / 2023
The exhibition catalog of "Koizumi Kiyoshi—The Life and Works of the Artist".
- Great-uncle Koizumi Kiyoshi by Koizumi Bon (Great-grandson of Lafcadio Hearn / Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum Director)
- Greeting by Koizumi Tatsuya (Grandson of Koizumi Kiyoshi)
- Koizumi Kiyoshi’s life and works by Yanagihara Kazunori (Curator of the Shimane Art Museum)
- Works by Kiyoshi
- Oil paintings
- Watercolours
- Self-Portraits
- Kiyoshi and Matsue
- Kiyoshi and his father
- Kiyoshi’s Atelier
- People around Kiyoshi
- Koizumi Kiyoshi’s Chronology
- List of letters from Kiyoshi to Setsu and Kazuo Koizumi